The Blessing We Didn't Want...

He wasn’t planned.
He wasn’t anticipated.
He came at the worst time—according to us at first. We weren’t even excited about his arrival—that’s a hard truth-pill to swallow, but after Matt losing his dad and my mother receiving a terminal diagnosis, we were emotionally spent. There was nothing left in us to split with another child especially after we were just transitioning to “older kid family mode”.
But there we were. In the midst of hurt and madness… we were having another baby. Another boy.

My excitement for him grew slowly through the pregnancy as I realized this was my LAST! Many mothers never realize they’re experiencing their last pregnancy until the time is over. I knew he was my last and began to cherish every “last” with him.
He was due at the very end of November, but preeclampsia began to rear its ugly head (like it did with my preemie, Liam) and he was going to be here 3 weeks earlier.
It was the easiest pregnancy I had ever had… even in my 40’s. No morning sickness. No food aversions. I was physically energetic thought most of it. Easy.

Matt fell in love with him when he finally laid eyes upon him.

It had to be Nolan. Had a timid child come to us, he would have probably never melted our hearts or made us laugh. Like a bull in a china store, Nolan made his presence known and FELT! His personality praised boasted that he didn’t join our family—we joined his. That he completed what we had. Our caboose with green eyes.
Chickie Bikits… nicknamed after his favorite snack (chicken in a biscuit crackers).
He’s been the most bold, the happiest, possibly the funniest, most daring child we’ve had. He’s quick, clever. A chatterbox. He refused to walk, manipulating his way into being carried EVERYWHERE in a sling. He refused to quit breastfeeding (fora really long time). He refuses to be pushed around by anyone including his older brothers. He refuses to go down without a fight. He refuses to go to bed.
He’s going to be successful someday. 🤣
His favorite human in the world is Liam. He loves sugar. He was sad when Halloween was over. Every photo of him captures him living his best life. He hides the remote from us. Loves wrestling. Makes friends easily. Is our physical runt of the bunch. Loves animals. Is an “artist”… (we call him Chicasso)…
And tomorrow morning our Chickie will be FIVE!
He was the blessing we never “wanted”… and the blessing we so desperately needed that year.
And, oh my gosh—do we love him!!

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